Below are a list of commonly asked questions.
Q: What is the check-in and check-out time?
A: Customers are expected to check-in at 2 PM and check-out before 10 AM.
Q: Can I request early check-in or late check-out?
A: Sadly we cannot provide exceptions for early check-in or late check-out.
Q: Can I bring pets?
A: Pets are not allowed during your stay.
Q: Are there any parking space facilities on site?
A: Each property page will provide info on parking. Below is a brief summary:
Q: Can I smoke inside the property?
A: You may not smoke or vape inside any of our properties. Smoke alarms have been fitted in each one.
Q: Is there wheelchair access?
A: Unfortunately not, you will need to climb stairs to access the bedrooms and bathroom.
Q: What are your cancellation policies?
A: Our general cancellation policy is as follows, we will let you know if there are any special considerations:
For stays under 28 nights:
Full refund for cancellations up to 30 days before check-in. If booked fewer than 30 days before check-in, full refund for cancellations made within 48 hours of booking and at least 14 days before check-in. After that, 50% refund up to 7 days before check-in. No refund after that.
For stays over 28 nights:
Full refund up to 30 days before check-in. After that, the first 30 days of the stay are non-refundable.
Q: Is there WiFi in the property?
A: Yes, we have free WiFi.
Q: What is the total capacity of guests?
A: Each property page will specify their maximum occupancy. Below is a brief summary:
Q: Can I cancel or change a reservation once has been made?
A: Yes. Please get in contact with us if you would like to amend your booking. Please be aware of your cancellation policy.
Q: What is your policy regarding children?
A: Children are welcome but they must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Q: What is the address of the gîte?
A: Exact locations will be provided after booking, but they are in the Gennes-Val-de-Loire region.
Q: Who will provide the key and welcome me to the property?
A: There will be a lockbox with the key inside that you will be given the code for the day you arrive.
Q: How to return the key when I check-out?
A: These instructions will be given on check in day.